
Great Honest Speaker

By Suj Shah posted 12-15-2011 08:42 PM


Being an effective communicator is a valuable skill at work and beyond. Ellen Finkelstein says charismatic speakers are:
1. Confident
2. Joyful, playful, humorous, happy
3. Lively, energetic
4. Knowledgeable about their subject
5. Dress and present themselves appropriately
6. Use full sentences and correct grammar
7. Care about and have their own conviction about the subject
8. Relate the topic to the broader scheme of things; they are expansive, inspiring, uplifting
9. Create rapport or connect with the audience
10. Positive in outlook, cooperative
11. Their points are organized, clear and connected, logically flow, precise and complete
[And of course!] 12. Honest, patient, fair, responsible

Toastmasters International gives these tips for public speaking:
1. Know your material
2. Practice, practice, practice
3. Know the audience
4. Know the room
5. Relax
6. Visualize yourself giving the speech
7. Realize that people want you to succeed
8. Don't apologize
9. Concentrate on the message, not the medium
10. Gain experience

And finally, the image - I came across it on Pinterest.
THINK before you speak:
1. Is it True?
2. Is it Helpful?
3. Is it Inspiring?
4. Is it Necessary?
5. Is it Kind?
