
NCQA Accreditation Pitfalls Part 5: Document submission

By Andrew Seale posted 05-02-2012 09:25 AM


Document submission Part 5
Do not leave this to the last minute!!!  The ISS tool while it does work pretty well most of the time can have the occasional hiccup. Nothing is more stressful than having something go wrong at the 11th hour and make a call to NCQA in a panic.  IT support is pretty decent but it can take a bit to reach them.  I highly suggest having everything ready a week early and submit the day before its due just to be safe. Also bookmark your pdf documents to help the auditor find what they need. Do not overload the auditor with documents. They really just want the exact documents they need to verify and nothing more. It’s a red flag if you try to blitz them with documentation.
...Imported/Syndicated Blog Original Publish Date : Tue, May 1, 2012
